Going Carbon-Neutral by 2025

Aleph Farms
4 min readApr 22, 2020


Aleph Farms Going Carbon-Neutral by 2025

Today we announce our new sustainability strategy: to eliminate emissions associated with our meat production by 2025 and reach the same net-zero emissions across our entire supply chain by 2030. Amid the COVID-19 health crisis, we consolidate our approach for food system resilience not only to cope with local and global supply chain disruptions that put food securities at risk, but also to promote natural ecosystem preservation and reduce friction points with wild animals. Preparing for active pilot-plant (BioFarm) operations next year, we have set the bar higher for our sustainable development goals.

Striving to nourish the world and provide unconditional access to high-quality, safe and affordable nutrition to a growing population, we’re actively engaging in a dialogue with livestock farmers to integrate cultivated meat as part of a solution set to fundamental challenges that the agriculture industry is facing, such as eroding revenues and increased retirement rate in developed countries. This establishment of a new category of meat products will actively support the capacity of current and future generations to maintain prosperous communities, as partners across the supply chain work jointly towards a carbon-neutral system.

Within this announcement, we outline a series of efforts and achievements we will leverage to reach our objectives 👇

👉Sustainability Advisory Board: We gathered top-level thought leaders from around the world to solicit views, reach objectives and implement our holistic approach to sustainability across the ecosystem’s entire value chain: Danielle Nierenberg, The President of Food Tank and an expert on sustainable agriculture and food issues; Aimée Christensen, CEO of Christensen Global Strategies and the Founder and Executive Director of the Sun Valley Institute; and Marc Buckley, Advocate for the UN SDG’s, Advisor & Consultant to the UNFCCC, Expert for WEF on Innovation, Sustainability, Agriculture Seafood, Food, and Beverages, and Climate Speaker and Mentor trained by former US Vice President Al Gore.

👉Z-Board: In February, we announced the establishment of our ‘Z-Board’ — a dialogue platform that engages Generation Z leaders in the vision development for future generations.

👉Sustainable Production and Process Design: We are collaborating with Black & Veatch, a global engineering and construction company, to build a resilient, compliant, and sustainable infrastructure for large-scale production with foundational principles of circular economy and renewable energy.

In a recognition of our continuous efforts in developing efficient solutions for food security on Earth (and beyond — last fall, we were the first to produce meat on the International Space Station without dependency on local natural resources and without slaughtering animals, with 3D Bioprinting Solutions), our innovation has been selected by Netexplo Forum, in partnership with UNESCO, as one of the “ten most promising innovations of the year” in terms of its positive impact and sustainable development. 🏆

As part of raising awareness to the impact of many small viral changes in the ways we manage our lives on the world around us, earlier in March we have started powering an initiative called #MyViralChange.✊

This year, Earth Day 🌎🗓️ (April 22, 2020) has a stronger meaning than ever before. Although the spotlight is on the coronavirus, the impact of the actions we make today, on the world around us and on our future — has become even clearer. As the world rushes to plan for a post-pandemic recovery, this is the time for us to use our solidarity as global citizens, businesses and individuals as one, and create a better future for our children. Together, we can help preventing the next crisis.

“At a time when the occurrence of regional and global crisis is increasing — African Swine Fever, Australia fires, COVID-19 — food system resilience is at the core of Aleph Farms’ vision and the key to building a better future for generations that follow,” says Didier Toubia, Co-Founder and CEO of Aleph Farms. “We have to rethink the way we use our natural resources, but our sustainability approach encompasses not only aggressive environmental goals. It also targets social, nutritional and economic objectives. We are identifying challenges and bottlenecks, engaging with experts and youth leaders, raising awareness and driving innovation across the entire value chain in order to accelerate the necessary global transition of our food system into the right direction.”

“The way food systems across the world utilize the world’s finite resources wields a major influence on the direction in which climate change, food security, and socio-economic consequences will follow,” adds Lee Recht, PhD, Head of Sustainability at Aleph Farms. “We see the situation and the challenges through an ‘innovation lens’ that helps us understand the responsibility we share and the impact we have on the state of our world and our people.”



Aleph Farms

Aleph Farms paves a new way forward as a pioneer in cellular agriculture, passionately cultivating delicious, real beef steaks from the cells of cows.